How to Split PST Files - A Complete Guide

Mar 13, 2024 | By Deepak Singh Bisht

Dealing with oversized PST files can be a daunting task for anyone using Outlook. It not only hampers the performance of your email client but can also lead to data corruption risks. Fortunately, there are efficient solutions available to tackle this issue head-on. Whether it's through the use of a PST file splitter tool, finding the best software to delicately handle your data, or discovering methods to reduce PST file size without compromising integrity, this guide has got you covered. From breaking down large PST files into more manageable parts to performing the split without needing Outlook installed, we'll explore all the options. If you are looking for a simple way to split a PST file into smaller parts, this guide will be helpful for you.

Why split PST file?

For Outlook users, managing PST file size is not just about maintaining order; it's a critical practice for ensuring both performance and data security. As these files grow larger, they can significantly hamper Outlook's functionality, leading to sluggish performance and increased risk of data corruption. Here are the key reasons why splitting your PST files is a proactive step towards a more efficient and secure email management system:

Enhanced Outlook performance: Large PST files can drastically slow down Outlook operations, from sending and receiving emails to opening attachments. Splitting these files helps maintain optimal application speed and reliability.

Reduced risk of file corruption: Oversized PST files are prone to corruption, risking data loss and requiring complex recovery processes. Keeping PST files within manageable sizes mitigates these risks, ensuring your data remains intact.

Simplified data management: Large files can make searching for specific emails or managing your inbox overwhelming. Split PST files make for easier navigation and organization within Outlook, streamlining your email management tasks.

Efficient backup and sharing: Backing up or sharing large PST files is cumbersome and time-consuming. Smaller files not only facilitate quicker backups but also make sharing specific segments of your data more convenient.

Cross-version compatibility: Different versions of Outlook have varying PST file size limits. Splitting files ensures compatibility across versions, preventing potential access issues or data loss.

Proactive data protection: The likelihood of encountering errors increases with file size, which can lead to partial or complete data loss. By maintaining smaller PST file sizes, you proactively safeguard your valuable information.

Splitting PST files is a strategic approach to optimize your Outlook experience, emphasizing not just the immediate benefits of improved performance and easier management, but also the long-term advantages of enhanced data protection and versatility across Outlook versions.

How to split PST files?

Splitting PST files can significantly enhance your Outlook performance and reduce the risk of data corruption. Whether you prefer manual methods or rely on a third-party PST file splitter tool, the goal is to manage your data more effectively. Let's explore both avenues so you can decide the best approach for your needs.

Note: Before attempting to split PST files using any method, it's important to create a backup. This precaution ensures the safety of your data throughout the process.

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Split PST files into smaller parts based on Size, Date, Folder, and Email ID.

Method 1: Split PST files using Import/Export process

The Import/Export process provides a free way to split Outlook PST files, aiding in reducing PST file size and managing your data effectively. This method is especially beneficial for users who prefer not to use third-party tools and wish to directly control the splitting process. Here's how you can leverage the Import/Export feature to split PST files into smaller parts:

  1. Open MS Outlook on your computer.
  2. Go to the 'File' tab, select 'Open & Export', and then choose the 'Import/Export' option.
  3. In the Import and Export Wizard, choose 'Export to a file' and then click on the 'Next' button.
  4. Select 'Outlook Data File (.pst)' in the 'Export to a File' window and click 'Next'.
  5. Select the folders you wish to export to the new PST file. You can choose your entire mailbox, individual folders, or subfolders.
  6. Ensure the 'Include subfolders' option is checked if you want to export all contents within a folder.
  7. Click the 'Browse' button to choose a location on your computer where you want to save the new PST file.
  8. After selecting the location, choose the option 'Do not export duplicate items' to avoid copying any duplicate data.
  9. Click 'Finish' to start the export process.

By following these steps, you will have successfully split your PST file, transferring the selected data to a new PST file. This method is ideal for organizing your emails, contacts, and other items in Outlook, and it also helps in managing large PST files by dividing them into smaller, more manageable files. Remember, this process can be time-consuming, especially for large data sets.

Method 2: Split PST Files Using the Archive Wizard

The Archive feature in Outlook offers a straightforward method to split Outlook PST files by moving older items to a new archive.pst file, effectively reducing the size of your main PST file. This method is particularly useful for users looking to manage their email data without the complexity of third-party tools. Here's how to utilize the Archive Wizard to organize your data and keep your Outlook running efficiently:

  1. Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
  2. Click on the 'File' tab located at the top-left corner of the Outlook window.
  3. Select 'Cleanup Tools' and then choose the 'Archive' option.
  4. On the Archive screen, select the 'Archive this folder and all subfolders' option.
  5. Choose the folder you want to archive.
  6. Set a date in the 'Archive items older than' field. Outlook will archive items that were created or received before this date.
  7. Click on the 'Browse' button to choose where you want to save the archived data. This will create a new PST file where your archived items will be stored.
  8. After selecting the location, name your archive file and click 'OK'.
  9. Once you've set your preferences, click 'OK' to start the archiving process. Outlook will move items older than the specified date into the designated archive PST file.

Using the Archive Wizard is an excellent way to reduce PST file size and declutter your main PST file. It's a built-in feature that eliminates the need for external PST file splitter tools, making it a convenient option for users who prefer to manage their files directly within Outlook. This method not only helps in splitting PST files into smaller parts but also aids in improving Outlook's performance by minimizing the load on the main PST file.

Remember, archiving is different from deleting; it preserves your emails and items in a separate file, ensuring that your data is not lost but simply reorganized in a way that enhances Outlook's efficiency and your overall email management strategy.

Method 3: Split PST Files Using a PST File Splitter Tool

For those who prefer a more streamlined and less manual approach to managing large PST files, employing a dedicated Outlook PST Splitter tool is an effective strategy. Tools like the SysCurve PST File Splitter offer a user-friendly interface and powerful features designed to simplify the process. These tools enable you to split an Outlook PST file effortlessly based on various criteria, including Date, Size, and Email ID, making them an ideal choice for users looking to reduce PST file size and enhance Outlook's performance without delving into the complexities of manual splitting methods. Here's how to use such a tool:

  1. Download and install the SysCurve PST File Splitter tool.
  2. Open the software after installation.
  3. Click on the 'Add File' option to navigate through your directories and select the PST file you wish to split. Once selected, click on the 'OK' button to load the file into the tool.
  4. Select the 'Split by Size' option. This feature allows you to specify the size of the output files. Enter your desired size limit for the split files in MB or GB, depending on your requirements.
  5. Choose a destination folder where you want to save the new smaller PST files.
  6. Click on the 'Next' button to begin splitting your PST file. The tool will process your file and divide it into smaller PST files based on the specified size.
  7. You'll receive a notification upon the completion of the process. Click on the 'Finish' button to conclude.

Using a PST File Splitter tool like SysCurve is an efficient and reliable method to split Outlook PST files into smaller parts. This approach not only assists in reducing PST file size but also contributes to improving Outlook's performance by minimizing the load on your main PST file. Moreover, it offers a practical solution for users who need to split PST files without Outlook, as the operation does not require Outlook to be open or even installed on the computer performing the task.

Other Helpful Features

  • Split PST files based on Email ID, Size, Date, and more for customized solutions.
  • Quickly add/search for PST files within the tool for time savings and improved usability.
  • Split single or multiple PST files into smaller parts simultaneously for efficiency.
  • Handles both active and archived PST files, enhancing versatility.
  • Capable of processing PST files of any size, catering to all user needs.
  • Compatible with all versions of Outlook, including 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007.
  • Reliable across various Windows OS versions, including Windows 10, 8, and 7.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I split PST files?

Splitting PST files is beneficial for several reasons: it enhances Outlook's performance by reducing the load on the application, minimizes the risk of PST file corruption, makes data management easier, facilitates more efficient backups and data sharing, ensures compatibility across different Outlook versions, and proactively protects your data from potential loss.

How do I split a PST file into smaller parts?

To split a PST file into smaller parts, you have two main approaches. You can use manual methods provided by Outlook, such as the Import/Export feature or the Archive feature, which allow you to move specific data into new PST files or archive older items. Alternatively, for a more streamlined and efficient process, you can use a specialized Outlook PST splitter tool like the SysCurve PST File Splitter. This software automates the splitting process based on criteria you set, making it easier to manage large PST files.

Can I split PST files without using Outlook?

Yes, the SysCurve PST file splitter tool enables you to split PST files without needing Outlook to be installed on your computer. This provides great flexibility, especially for users who need to manage PST files across different environments or machines where Outlook may not be available.

What criteria can I use to split PST files?

The SysCurve PST file splitter tool allows you to split Outlook PST files based on a variety of criteria, including Email ID, Size, and Date. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor the splitting process to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Can I split a PST file by year?

Yes, the SysCurve Outlook PST Splitter tool offers a 'Split by Date' option, allowing you to split a PST file by year. You simply need to specify the date range, and the tool will organize your emails into separate PST files based on the years you selected.

Is it possible to split a PST file by size?

Absolutely, the SysCurve PST File Splitter tool includes an option to split PST files by size. You can define the maximum size for each resulting PST file, either in MB or GB, ensuring that your files remain within manageable limits to prevent performance degradation or corruption.

Can I split a PST file based on email ID?

Indeed, the SysCurve Outlook PST Splitter tool provides functionality to split Outlook PST files based on email ID. This feature enables you to segregate emails from specific senders or to specific recipients into different PST files, facilitating easier email management and retrieval.

How can I reduce PST file size manually?

To manually reduce the size of a PST file, you can use Outlook's built-in features such as the Import/Export process to move data to a new PST file or the Archive Wizard to archive older items. These methods allow you to control which data is moved or archived, helping you manage your PST file size effectively.

Does splitting a PST file affect my Outlook data?

No, using the SysCurve PST File Splitter tool to split your PST file does not alter or damage the original file. The tool creates new PST files based on the criteria you specify, leaving your original data intact and unaffected.

What are the benefits of using a PST splitter tool?

Employing a Outlook PST splitter tool like SysCurve offers numerous benefits, including streamlined management of large PST files, reduced risk of file corruption, improved Outlook performance, and a more efficient and user-friendly way to split PST files into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Is there a size limit for PST files that can be split?

With the SysCurve PST file splitter tool, there is no size limit for the PST files you can split. The tool is designed to handle PST files of any size, ensuring that you can manage even the largest files efficiently.

How do I ensure my data is safe when splitting PST files?

To ensure the safety of your data when splitting PST files, choose a reputable tool like the SysCurve Outlook PST Splitter. Additionally, it's a good practice to back up your PST files before splitting them. This way, you have a fallback option in case of any issues during the splitting process.

Do PST file splitter tools work with archived PST files?

Yes, the SysCurve PST file splitter tool is capable of working with both active and archived PST files. This extends its utility, allowing you to manage and split all types of PST files within your Outlook environment.

What is the best software to split PST files?

The SysCurve PST File Splitter tool is highly recommended as the best software for splitting PST files. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with powerful features, makes it an ideal choice for efficiently managing and splitting large PST files into smaller parts.

What versions of Windows support SysCurve PST splitter tool?

The SysCurve Outlook PST splitter tool is compatible with a wide range of Windows operating systems, including Windows 10, 8, and 7, ensuring broad usability across different devices and setups.

The Final Word

In this comprehensive guide, we've explored various methods for splitting PST files, a crucial task for the effective management of large volumes of email data in Microsoft Outlook. Splitting PST files aids in maintaining Outlook's performance and significantly reduces the risk of data corruption. We have discussed both manual methods and the utilization of specialized tools like the SysCurve PST File Splitter Tool to achieve this goal.

While manual methods, such as the Import/Export process and using the Archive Wizard, offer direct control over how and what data is split, they can be time-consuming and require careful attention. For those seeking a more efficient and straightforward solution, the SysCurve Outlook PST Splitter Tool emerges as an ideal option. This powerful tool enables you to split Outlook PST files based on various criteria, such as Size, Date, Email ID, and specific Folders, ensuring a tailored approach to suit your unique needs.

The benefits of using a PST File splitter tool include ease of use, efficiency, and the effortless handling of large files. This is particularly beneficial for users in need of a quick method to manage large PST files, bypassing the complexities of manual splitting. However, irrespective of the chosen method, approaching this task with caution is crucial to ensure data integrity and to avoid potential data loss.

Whether you're an individual handling personal email data or a professional managing extensive business correspondence, mastering the art of splitting PST files is a critical skill in today's digital environment. With the appropriate approach and tools at your disposal, you can effortlessly split a PST file into smaller parts, ensuring seamless Outlook performance and robust data security.

The Author

Deepak Singh Bisht

Deepak Singh Bisht

Content Lead |

Deepak Singh Bisht is a dedicated IT professional with over 9 years of experience, is a key member at SysCurve Software for the last 5 years. His expertise lies in email migration and data recovery, with a focus on technologies like MS Outlook and Office 365. Deepak, who also delves into front-end technology and software development, holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications.

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